Winter in Wine Country! Just saying! #winecountry #napavalley #visitcalistoga #bedandbreakfast #winterinwinecountry #warmandsunny #escapethesnow
41st Annual Community Holiday Dinner! We had a great time cooking and serving today! We prepared 28# of Cherry Wood Smoked Turkey Roasts and “Mimi’s” Pink Salad! Great turnout and lots of smiles! #thisiscalistoga #embracewhatisgood #communityspirit #givingback #bedandbreakfast #sharingiscaring #visitcalistoga #calistogaparksandrecreation @calistogarecreation
The tradition continues! Another great weekend decorating the Embrace Christmas Tree with Paul & Amy! #merrychristmas #happyholidays #treetrimming #christmastraditions #itsbeginningtolookalotlikechristmas #winecountry #napavalley #bedandbreakfast #christmastree #chosenfamily
Stumped on what to buy? Remember what a great time you had at Embrace Calistoga? Why not buy a gift certificate and let us take care of the rest!
#giftcertificate #holidayshopping #stockingstuffers #smallbusinesssupport #winecountry #napavalley #bedandbreakfast #visitcalistoga
Wine Wednesday! 2022 AXR Proprietary Blend! Beautiful wine at an everyday price! #winewednesday @axrnapavalley #redwine #wineporn #napavalley #winecountry #bedandbreakfast #lovethewineyourewith #cheers
Happy Thanksgiving from Embrace Calistoga! We are blessed to have all of you in our lives! We hope your day is filled with good food, great wine and people you love! #happythanksgivng #smallbusiness #bedandbreakfast #winecountry #napavalley #embracewhatisgood #grateful #friendsandfamily #gobblegobble
Friends Friday! Never a dull moment with Lydia and Gaston! #friendsfriday #bedandbreakfast #winecountry #napavalley #embracewhatisgood #newfriends
Friends Friday! Amazing time with Chris & Tina and Tom & Michelle! Magical! #friendfriday #whenfriendsbecomefamily #bedandbreakfast #porchtime #embracewhatisgood #napavalley #winecountry #lifeisgood
Amazing weekend with these guys! Happy Birthday Elyse…Until next time! ❤️🍷 #happybirthday #bedandbreakfast #winecountry #napavalley #chosenfamily #embracewhatisgood #winecountrybirthday #baldbrent #cutechris
Wine Wednesday! 2016 Silverado Vineyard Borreo Sangiovese! #winewednesday #wineporn @silverado_vineyards #sangiovese #lovethewineyourewith #bedandbreakfast #winetime #redredwine #napavalley #winecountry
2024 Calistoga Harvest Table! Too many great photos to add… But what an amazing evening with great friends, amazing food, and great wine! #thisiscalistoga #visitcalistoga #calistogaharvesttable #bedandbreakfast @lovinacalistoga #sametimenextyear #embracewhatisgood
We had an amazing evening volunteering at STOMP an annual event to support @nv_farmworkerfoundation and @napa_valley_grapegrowers Thank you @solageauberge for hosting the “zero-proof” station! #volunteering #thisiscalistoga #visitcalistoga #fundraiser #greatcause #bedandbreakfast #embracewhatisgood #napavalley #winecountry
Amazing evening of Paella and Rosé hosted by @grove45evoo - friends, fun and festivities! #oliveoil #rosé #napavalley #calistoga #winecountrylife #winecountry #embracewhatisgood @museion_napa #thisiscalistoga
Wine Wednesday! 2021 People’s Wine Revolution Grenache! @pwrwines #wineporn #lovethewineyourewith #winewednesday #bedandbreakfast #winetime #winecountry #visitcalistoga #grenache
Enchanting night with @out_inthefield with friends! Amazing setting, food and wine! This should be on your bucket list! @out_inthefield @frontporchfarmer @birdhorsewines @fortpointbeer #bucketlist #sonomavalley #farmtotable #visitnapavalley #winecountry #bedandbreakfast #nightoff
Good Morning! Just set up our coffee/tea kiosk! Early risers can help themselves to a cup of morning sunshine! #coffee #tea #cofeekiosk #keurig @keurig #bedandbreakfast #goodmorning #cupoftea #cupofcoffee #napavalley #winecountry #thisiscalistoga
Wine Wednesday! 2022 Frog’s Leap Flycatcher! @frogsleap #redblend #winewednesday #wineporn #redredwine #winecountry #napavalley #bedandbreakfast #visitnapavalley #visitcalistoga #lovethewineyourewith
Introducing “The Great Dane Gang” … too much fun for words! We hope you remember that you invited us to Copenhagen! See you next spring! Skol! #danishfriends #skol #bedandbreakfast #newfriends #winecountry #napavalley #embracewhatisgood #thisiscalistoga #visitnapavalley #visitcalistoga
Red Red Wine! 2022 Titus Andronicus! Something new on the porch! @titus_vineyards #lovethewineyourewith #wineporn #redwine #bedandbreakfast #napavalley #winecountry #embracewhatisgood
Wine Wednesday - a day late! 2012 Ballentine Merlot…delicious! Thank you @ballentinevineyards for sharing your wine! #winewednesday #merlot @ballentinevineyards #napavalley #winecountry #bedandbreakfast #thankyou #wineporn #lovethewineyourwith